Saturday, July 17, 2010

A PHP script to delete files older than a spcecific time.

Okay here is the script written by me , to delete files older than a specific period (say 7 days).

Why i need this script ?
In the current project we need a system that seek and delete older files from FTP directory , older than 7 days .This script should run every week , will set a cron job for that which is not a issue here.

Well too much talking here is the code.

You are free to use/modify this code any way you want.But i am not responsible for any damage done by this code.

So use it only if u know how to use it :P

Any fixes/bugs/help please post in comments below .

//This class delets files n folder older than time specified
//Author :  Arshdeep Goswami <>

class DelOldfiles{
 var $older_than = NULL;
 var $total = 0;
 function __construct(){
  $this->older_than = mktime(date("H"),date("i"),date("s"),date("m"),date("d")-7,date("Y"));
//Get all the files of the dir
 private function getAllfiles($dir){
  if(!is_dir($dir)) return false;
  $scaned = scandir($dir);
  $nsc = array();
  foreach($scaned as $sc)
   $nsc[] = "{$dir}/{$sc}";
  return $nsc;
//Get size of the dir
 private function dirSize($directory) {
  $size = 0;
  foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory)) as $file){
  return $size;
//Delete files recursively
 function delRecursive($dir){
  if(!is_dir($dir)) return false;
  $files = $this->getAllfiles($dir);
   return rmdir($dir);
  foreach($files as $key => $file){
   }else if(file_exists($file)){
 //Once again calling after clearing file inside.
  return $this->delRecursive($dir);
//Delete empty dirs
 function delEmptyDirs($dir){
  if(!is_dir($dir)) return false;
  $files = $this->getAllfiles($dir);
  $d_f = array();
  foreach($files as $key => $file){
    if($this->dirSize($file) > 0)

//Call to delete every old file  
 public function del($dir){
  if(!is_dir($dir)) return false;
  $files = $this->getAllfiles($dir);
  $d_f = array();
  foreach($files as $key => $file){
   else if(file_exists($file)){
    $time = filemtime($file);
    if($this->older_than > $time){

$obj = new DelOldfiles();
$f = $obj->del('D:\WINDOWS');
$f = $obj->delEmptyDirs('D:\WINDOWS');

The first post of SRBB

So here is the post of mine first blog.

Why i started this blog.
Many reasons to start a personal blog  here are some .

To remind myself
I think lots n lots of things each day but at the end of the day i forgat almost 50% of them and next morning the number increases to 70% and after 2-3 days its all blank :P.So there should be something that may remind me that i once thought that shi*.

To see what people think 
Each time you start on an idea it always looks awesome/rocking/cool/kickass to you. But ultimately it is people who will decide if it cool or not. So i wana feedback on what i am doing and what i will be.(I really expecting some cool comments on future posts :P )

To tell what i have learned .
Well i am not a pro tbh. So its good to write what i learned new (will post some code lines or tuts like things).I think it will be helpful for some newb coders to get in the race .

What you can expect from this blog

Nothing specific i can say about where this blog will go in future.But ATM i am really excited writing here .
Few things that you surely will not see here are .

Not copied/inspired thoughts from other blogs/books (thats lame ).
Not promotion of lame stuff.
No emotional crap (thats g*y).

Well i think finished with first post wana write more but have stuff to do . Stay tuned buddies ;)